Austin Samaritans is a non-profit 501(c)3. All donations are tax exempt.

Online Donations

You can make one-time or recurring donations online. Click Donate to go to our secure donation page.

Mail Donations

Please make checks payable to Austin Samaritans.

Send checks to:
Austin Samaritans 3724 Jefferson Street, Ste 316-A Austin, TX 78731

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Donating Securities

We are pleased to offer the option to donate stock. To help you facilitate a gift of stock, please click on the link and follow steps. Stock Transfer Authorization- Donor Letter of Transfer


Your kind and generous tax-deductible donation to Austin Samaritans helps sustain our efforts to meet desperate needs of the poor and needy in Nicaragua and, by so doing, share with them the love of Christ.

If you want your donation to benefit a specific mission associate of Austin Samaritans, please add that in the “comment” section of the online donation form or in the “memo” section of your check.

Your Generous Donation Helps. Make a difference – one person, one child of God at a time!

  • Enable 700+ schoolchildren to attend Christian schools.

  • Support two medical clinics providing high-quality medical care to patients with limited means.

  • Provide free screening and treatment for breast and cervical cancer to women with limited means.

  • Reach thousands of impoverished Nicaraguans demonstrating that Christian brothers and sisters in the United States love and care about them.

  • Help provide affordable, compassionate dental care including fillings, extractions, abscess drainage, cleaning, and hygiene education to an underserved community. 

  • Encourage those working “in the field” in our five mission alliances by our prayers, care and support.